
Color Tunnel

Color Tunnel
Color Tunnel

In Color Tunnel, you're sent to a brilliant, colorful environment where you have to go quickly through a tunnel packed with color. 

Get set for an everlasting running journey

Playing Color Tunnel is similar to Endless Tunnel in that it involves rolling a ball or character through it securely. In this 3D first-person experience, you are propelled down the tunnel at breakneck speeds while attempting to dodge every impediment in your path. The other major risk is the color shifts, which can induce disorientation, so please remain composed and attentive.

Key Controls

  • Use one of two keyboard methods to control your ball completely.
  • To Move Left, Use the A/Left Arrow
  • Move right by using the D/Right Arrow.

You can play a lot of games like Run 3, Slope Game, and others that are meant to go on forever. 

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