
Devil Dash

Devil Dash
Devil Dash

Devil Dash is a platformer game with unpredictable obstacles. The game requires agility, precision, and good reflexes to overcome thorny levels. Players will take on the role of a cube racing through a terrain full of traps. The endless challenges across many different levels can drive you crazy. The game is designed to test the player's reflexes and patience.

Detailed Gameplay of Devil Dash

  • In each level of Devil Dash, you need to take your character through dangerous terrain and reach the finish line safely. The endpoint in each level is a teleporter that moves to a new level.
  • This game has 16 gates, with each containing a certain number of levels. In particular, each portal corresponding to these adventure segments will introduce different dangers.
  • Only you can explore and know what those challenges are. The game requires players to unlock levels one after another with increasing difficulty through each mysterious gate.

How to Control

You use the arrow keys to control your cube. In this seemingly harmless environment are hidden traps. Challenges only appear when you move your character to explore around. Therefore, don't think too much! Just run straight into danger to look for hazards and find ways to avoid them after (unwanted) retries.

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