


Plactions is a puzzle game combined with challenging adventure gameplay on quirky platforms. You will transform into a small cube in the virtual world and move through safe areas, staying away from dangerous red lines. Your cube cannot move freely, but only in specified directions. A special feature in this game is the ability to teleport through space portals.

The game not only challenges tactical thinking ability but also requires ingenuity in every move. Each level is designed to be more complex, forcing you to use acumen and careful calculation to overcome every challenge.

Plactions's Rules

  • Each level of Plactions will provide a certain amount of activity for the cube.
  • You perform activities one after the other to overcome challenges.
  • Areas with red lines will disable the character's special abilities.
  • Space gates can connect to create instant teleportation.
  • The destination of each level is an invisible door leading to a new level with more difficult challenges.
  • The game supports a hint feature, so you can refer to how to conquer difficult challenges.


You follow the game's main screen instructions to grasp the control keys. Don't forget to pay attention to the order of actions to avoid wasting or applying the wrong strategy.

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